Yearly Registration
All Technical Officials assigned to games within Victoria are required to hold a current Basketball Victoria Technical Officials (BVTO) Licence.
BVTO Licence 2025
The 2025 Licence is valid from the date of purchase until the 31st of December, 2025.
The BVTO Licence provides the official with the following:
- A Licence to officiate in Basketball Victoria’s affiliated Associations’ competitions where the official receives a reimbursement,
- An opportunity to be invited to participate in Basketball Victoria’s Leagues/Direct Competitions and Courses as a Technical Official,
- Protection through Insurance, Governance Structures, and relevant State-wide policies,
- The opportunity to be accredited and re-accredited within our State,
- Greater resourcing, new systems, association support and a stronger focus on education, training and development initiatives to improve culture and wellbeing for Technical Officials.
Technical Officials Administrators;
It is the responsibility of an Association to accurately maintain their refbook membership list at all times. This includes:
- Ensure all technical officials from your Association are entered in your Membership list. This is relevant to all referees, referee coaches, scoretable and statisticians that officiate for your Association at any point in time.
- Correctly configure the Member Type and Member Status of each official to reflect the nature of their officiating within your Association.
Please see below a manual to assist Associations in achieve the above.
Associations are responsible for ensuring that all individual officials within their Association meet their requirements to Basketball Victoria as follows:
The official has completed their refbook profile with the following information:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Date of Birth
- Primary Organisation
- Working with Children Check (if 18 years of age or older)
Associations are also responsible for ensuring that all officials have paid their relevant BVTO Licence Fees. Officials are required to pay all applicable outstanding BVTO Licences from previous years to be considered to hold a current Licence.
Admin User Guide
Technical Officials:
All technical officials within Basketball Victoria are responsible for ensuring that they meet the relevant requirements of Basketball Victoria as follows.
The official has completed their refbook profile with the following information:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Date of Birth
- Primary Organisation
- Working with Children Check (if 18 years of age or older)
Additionally, all technical officials must hold a current BVTO Licence. From the 1st December 2025 this will be payable as outlined below. Officials are required to pay all applicable outstanding BVTO Licences from previous years to be considered to hold a current Licence.
Please see below a manual to assist officials in achieving the above.
Payment options for BVTO 2025 Fees
There are two (2) options available for officials to obtain the BVTO Licence.
1. Officials Pay for Themselves
- To pay for themselves, officials must action an email prompt or "DUE" visual on their refbook Home screen.
- The BVTO Licence Fee 2025 will appear in their refbook Payments screen.
- These instructions are shown in the BVTO Registration - Official's Manual
2. Association Pay on Behalf
- An Association can choose to pay on behalf of all Members or selected Members.
- Payment is required via credit/debit card at the time of the meeting.
- If an Association has chosen to do this, individual officials may not be able to pay for themselves directly during this time period in which the process is actioned.
- If your Association elects to 'Pay On Behalf' you must ensure you have communicated this to your officials so that they do not pay their Licence pre-emptively.
Regardless of whether an Association chooses to pay on behalf of an official, the requirements related to their refbook profile must still be actioned individual.
If an association would like to use this feature, pre-book a session with BV to 'Pay On Behalf' please use the below link.
Further support can be obtained as described below:
- For technical issues, please submit a ticket with refbook support.
- For guidance or general queries, please contact Darcy Weedon.
BVTO Licence Fee Timeline
Any time on or between Sunday 1st December and Tuesday 31st December, 2024, the BVTO Licence Fee 2025 is payable at $12.
Any time on or after Wednesday 1st January, 2025, the BVTO Licence Fee 2025 is payable at $17.
To pay for your Basketball Victoria (BV) Technical Officials Licence via refbook, please click the button below.
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